Published on
April 27, 2015 @ 08:59 AM
Dušan Hudec, independent Slovak filmmaker and his producer, Darina Zmržova, will be coming into Youngstown on May 16th to have a showing of the Final Mission film for us. We are so thrilled that they are stopping here between Washington D.C. and Chicago. This documentary film tells the story of American airmen shot down over Slovakia during WWII and taken in and hidden from the Germans by Slovak villagers. It is a story most people have never heard…neither here nor in Slovakia! It is especially appropriate since May 16th is also Armed Forces Day.
Published on
March 8, 2015 @ 06:21 PM
You’re invited to participate in one of the largest celebrations of our Valley’s proud ethnic culture!
By enhancing the community’s knowledge of these lively peoples through a joyful, family-friendly experience, we
hope to honor the shared past of our beloved ancestors by educating and enriching the lives of a future generation.
But to keep it a success, we need your help.
Published on
February 20, 2015 @ 04:00 PM
Save the date! Simply Slavic will be taking place this year on June 20! Join us from 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM on Saturday, June 20th in Downtown Youngstown on Federal Plaza East, for a celebration of the Mahoning Valley's Slavic culture and heritage.
Published on
May 30, 2013 @ 05:02 PM
This summer's Simply Slavic Festival is looking to be bigger and even more exciting; expanding to two city blocks with music, food, beer, and entertainment until midnight! Below is the schedule for this year's festival on June 15, 2013 from Noon to Midnight in Downtown Youngstown, Ohio on Federal Plaza East. Admission is only $3, children 12 and under are FREE. Festival schedule is subject to change.
Looking for this year's Simply Slavic festival event schedule? This year non-stop live entertainment is planned until midnight. Find out more below.
12:00 | Opening Ceremonies Ecumenical Blessing Parade of Flags |
12:40 | Tamburaški Orkestar Noćne Sove
(Night Owls Tamburitzans) |
1:30 | Youngstown Ukrainian Dancers |
2:15 | Del Sinchak Orchestra |
3:00 | Happy Hearts Junior Tamburitzans
Baking Contest Begins |
3:45 | Del Sinchak Orchestra |
4:30 | Living Traditions Folk Ensemble
(Polish Set) |
5:15 | Del Sinchak Orchestra |
6:00 | St. Nicholas Russian Dancers |
6:45 | Tamburaški Orkestar Noćne Sove
(Night Owls Tamburitzans) |
7:30 | Living Traditions Folk Ensemble
(Slovak-Rusyn Set) |
8:30 | Harmonia |
Midnight | Conclusion |
Published on
May 25, 2013 @ 12:00 PM
Simply Slavic posters are now available for this year's festival. Looking to help spread the word? You can download and print the Simply Slavic 2013 event poster!
Published on
August 23, 2012 @ 03:46 PM
This weekend celebrates the 4th annual Polish Day celebration. This year's festival will take place in the Austintown Plaza. A variety of fun, ethnic events are scheduled for this year including Friday Business Lunches, Saturday Nite Zabawa, a bigger children's area, and even more great vendors!
Published on
August 14, 2012 @ 04:42 PM
Photographs from the 2012 Simply Slavic Heritage Festival are now available to view! Special thanks to Ronald Garchar, the photographer who took all of these wonderful images. View photos from the festival in Downtown, Youngstown on June 16, 2012. Check back soon for more information about the 2012 Simply Slavic festival.
Published on
May 30, 2012 @ 06:59 PM
Members of the ethnic music band Harmonia and Simply Slavic's director Ken Shirilla offer an exciting preview of the great Slavic music and entertainment that will be featured at this summer's Simply Slavic Festival in Downtown Youngstown.
Published on
May 23, 2012 @ 07:07 PM

Help! There are still many opportunities to volunteer this summer at the Simply Slavic festival in Downtown Youngstown on June 16. Volunteers had a great time helping at last year's festival by being a major part of the festivities, assisting guests and vendors, and having plenty of fun. This year every volunteer gets free admission, cold water, and the first 50 volunteers will receive free Simply Slavic T-shirts.
Published on
April 15, 2012 @ 09:35 AM
Simply Slavic is proud to be holding a second annual ethnic baking competition at this year's festival. Contestants are invited to prepare their best slavic baked goods and recipes. Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. Winners will be announced at the Judging Event at the Simply Slavic Festival on Saturday, June 16, 2012 by 5 PM. For more information Click Here to Download the Baking Contest Entry Form.